Digital Catalog


Q. How do I know which unloader is good for my machine?

A. You need to fit the rating of the unloader to the machine. So you first need to know the PSI (pressure per square inch) of the machine. Once you have determined this, you should allow for an additon 750 PSI to handle spike pressure. You also need to know the GPM (gallons per minute) that your machine is rated for. The unloader will list the maximum GPM.

Q. Which flow switch is appropriate for my machine?

A. ST-5 flow switch comes standard on many brands of pressure washers. It must be mounted in vertical position to allow the switch to operate normally. ST-6 flow switch can be mounted in any direction due to the internal mechanism.

Q. What should I look for when it comes to pressure washer hose?

A. You need to ensure that the hose PSI rating exceeds the PSI rating of the machine. The PSI rating which should be shown in your owner’s manual. You also need to determine the diameter of the hose required which are normally 1/4″, 3/8″, 1/2″, 3/4″, or 1″.

Q. Can I use a 5000 PSI trigger gun on my 3000 PSI machine?

A. Yes, this is only a maximum limit.

Q. What is the difference between front entry and rear entry trigger guns?

A. Front entry guns (ST-810) have the washer hose entering before the handle on the trigger gun, and the rear entry guns (ST-1500) have the washer hose entering the rear or handle of the gun.

Q. When is a front entry gun preferred?

A. The front entry gun works best in an application where hose is routed from the ceiling.

Q. For the ST-64 Upstream Detergent Injector, what action should I take if no chemical will siphon?

A. 1. Ensure the injector plunger is in “on” position. 2. Ensure the adjusting screw is properly set by using a 1/8″ hex wrench to adjust screw down until chemical siphons. 3. Reduce inlet water pressure to 60 PSI.

Q. For the ST-64 Upstream Detergent Injector, what action should I take if water pump is cavitating?

A. 1. Adjust the set screw up until cavation stops. 2. Ensure siphon hose is submerged.

Q. For the ST-64 Upstream Detergent Injector, what action should I take if water leaks around plunger?

A. 1. O-ring seal may be worn so replace. 2. Inlet water pressure may be too high, do not exceed 60 PSI.

Q. For the ST-64 Upstream Detergent Injector, what action should I take if water leaks out chemical hose when plunger is in “off” position?

A. 1. Remove hose barb and inspect for debris. 2. Check valve may be worn, so place worn parts or install repair kit F #200060720.

Q. For the ST-64 Upstream Detergent Injector, what action should I take if water leaks out screw threads?

A. Thread tape may be worn from adjusting, so reapply thread tape.